Category Archives: dogs

And now for more family photos from Daddy Ray’s Slides!

uncle bob5

Cousin Susan and Uncle Bob. (and Gretel)


Great Aunt Edna Romick, Aunt Helen and Mom


Marissa, Mom and me. Taken in Coral Gables, FL

Marissa Jan Mom

Grandma Florence, baby Marissa and me

aunt edna

Mom meeting Aunt Edna on the tarmac. Remember Braniff? Remember meeting a plane? This is obviously a very old photo.

Uncle Bob

Uncle Bob down at the Winfield Farm. Don’t know the gentleman on the right. Maybe Farmer Brown?

uncle bob1

Uncle Bob looking very serious. He actually loved to tell jokes and laughed a lot.

uncle bob 3

Dr. Bob performing surgery on the turkey with Joe and Susan.

kelley kitchen

The Kelleys and the Pages with Aunt Edna (with the bright red hair)

kelley residene

Kelley residence in St. Louis

peter & Harriett

Mom and Pete at the farm.

coral gables

Dinner party in Coral Gables with Tim & Helen, Mary & Karl, Val, Marissa and Mom

My New Prison Issue Glasses

I have the cutest, busiest, smartest, little Decker Rat Terrier named Tito.  Did I already mention the busiest?

Tito, the busiest Rat Terrier on the planet

Tito, the busiest Rat Terrier on the planet

Tito has a thing for eye glasses, especially those with designer frames costing over $300.00. My husband is lucky in that he had insurance for his glasses & quickly got them replaced. Me, not so lucky.  You are probably wondering why did we let him grab them more than once?  It is because this is the fastest dog on the planet.  All you have to do is turn your back & your glasses, wallet, keys, cell phone (i.e. anything that smells like you) will be gone.  Some of the glasses in this pile are “cheaters” and didn’t cost much.

Tito grabbed Gil’s wallet one day and shredded his paper money.  Gil took the pieces to the bank and they have to refund your money if you can find enough pieces to scotch tape together.  Luckily we grabbed the pieces before they disappeared.

Glasses that Tito has munched on.

Glasses that Tito has munched on.

So, to make a long & painful story short, I went into The Spectacle Shoppe, Inc. (Kent & Roxie’s)

and found the most fabulous pair of glasses and the frames only cost $60.00!  They are inexpensive because  this is what gets issued to prisoners.

They are made of 100% nylon and don’t have metal in the side pieces that could be made into a shiv.

Definition of a shiv — Slang for a knife or any other small cutting/stabbing weapon, often homemade; think inmates with sharpened toothbrushes or side pieces of eyeglasses.


I went online and found a Prison Forum that addresses these “Prison Issued Glasses” that I personally think are extremely stylish.    The thread is titled “Eyeglasses 4 My Man“.

I’ve copied two of the remarks about the “fugly” glasses —

At some prison they do have some they give them, but they are so ugly, at Will’s unit they are big, black plastic ones that make the guys look so bad. Will says he’s to cute to wear them LOL, I told him well then your cute A$$ can just be blind then. LOL So needless to say he sits at the front of his class LOL

Where Roger is in Illinois, he cant send his script out anymore. He has to use the Buddy Holly type glasses. The IDOC doesnt allow the wordly kind of glasses because they are made of metal and have those little screws.

Rat Terriers — On a More Frivolous Note

I have two fabulous, wonderful Rat Terriers.  They are both Decker Rat Terriers, which is a more specialized branch of  the Rat Terrier breed.  Deckers were bred to hunt.  I ask myself daily, why did I pick such a high maintenance, high energy dog?  Who knows, but I can identify with their hunting skills and the fact that they never give up on prey — sort of what I do with genealogy.  I totally beat any hint to death.

Gomez (the larger dog) was born in 2004.  He was named for Gomez Addams of the Addam’s family —

Gomez became the master of the Addams household and the Addams patriarch, married to Morticia and the father of Wednesday and Pugsley. Originally he was Grandmama’s son, but this was retconned in the 1991 film, and he became Grandmama’s son-in-law instead. Also retconned in the films, he became the younger brother of Fester instead of his nephew-in-law. In the original cartoons in The New Yorker, he appeared tubby, snub-nosed and with a receding chin.

In the 1960s television series, Gomez was portrayed as a naive, handsome, and successful man, although with a childlike, eccentric enthusiasm for everything he did. For instance, his personal portrait depicted him as standing gleefully on his head. Though a peaceful man, he was known to be well-versed in many types of combat; he and Morticia fenced with foils sometimes.

Gomez professed endless love for his wife, Morticia. He had studied to be a lawyer, but rarely practiced, one of the running jokes being that he took great pride in losing his cases. He was also pleased with the fact that his law class had voted him the man “Least Likely to Pass the Bar”.

and Tito (the smaller) was born in 2011.  Tito was named after the Argentinian artist Tito Saubidet,

Posts About Dead Relatives

All Gene Pools Need Chlorine

Your Genetic Genealogist

All Gene Pools Need Chlorine

Unclaimed Ancestors

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How the hell did I get here?

V.L. Brunskill

author, reunited adoptee, former music journalist

Ephemeral New York

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Posts About Dead Relatives

All Gene Pools Need Chlorine

Chips Off the Old Block

A blog devoted to genealogical wanderings - dedicated to family near and far, through distance and time


crowdsourcing genome wide association studies